I’ve come full circle. I’m back to baskets.
My name is Ralaine Fagone,
The beginning of my story started in 1995 when I attended my first Longaberger home show. It was love at first sight. I signed a contract to become a consultant.
For nine years I happily worked my basket business. Longaberger changed my life through personal growth, obtaining loads of beautiful baskets, and the good amazing people I met. My life took an unexpected turn. Sadly, I didn’t renew my consultant contract. I turned my attention toward writing and sewing home decor’ goods for local decorators.
After moving from California to Montana, I finished my book and began the discovery of my new home. In Spring of 2021 when I decorated my bathroom I realized my basket liners needed to be refreshed to match the new decor. I made patterns and practiced making liners with fun fabric combinations to insure a perfect fit. After making my bathroom’s liners, I went out on a lark…I listed the prototypes on eBay. To my surprise they sold quickly and I received requests for more. Truly an opportunity presented itself.
Basket Swag reconnects me with the baskets I cherish, feeds my passion for fabrics, channels my sewing skills and quiets my heart.
You are invited to watch us grow and get some swag for your classics. Leave your email address in the Subscribe section below and receive news about the latest Basket Swag.
Peace and safety to your household,
Ralaine Fagone